NERACOOS Mariners' Dashboard

Every year tens of thousands of people rely on the ocean observing data provided by NERACOOS to make important decisions. The Mariners’ Dashboard supplies the same high-quality information and forecasts upon which users in the Northeast depend, but in a more accessible format.

Mariners’ input was instrumental in developing the Dashboard, and we continue to seek feedback so this tool can fit the needs of our users. Please use this form to tell us about your experience using the Dashboard or to report any bugs you encounter.

Forecast data are provided by NOAA and NERACOOS partners:

NECOFS - Northeast Coastal Ocean Forecast System University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Wave Watch III from the Bedford Institute of Oceanography. The Latest Wave Watch III forecast data are accessible from the NERACOOS ERDDAP server.
NOAA NCEP - NOAA National Center for Environmental Prediction

Mariners' Dashboard was developed by:

The Gulf of Maine Research Institute

Provisional Data Notice

NOTICE: These realtime data are considered provisional. Please read the definition of provisional data and their inherent limitations:

Data obtained from the buoys are telemetered to a receiving station via radio frequency transmissions. These data are received and processed only for wild points outside of a known range for each sensor. The data have not been reviewed or edited, and therefore may be subject to significant change. Changes to the data can occur as a result of:

  • instrument fouling from biological organisms
  • instrument malfunction due to flotsam and jetsam
  • unusually high battery drain
  • failure of solar panels
  • radio frequency noise transmitted with the data signal
NERACOOS cannot be held responsible, nor assumes any liability for any damages caused by inaccuracies in this data or documentation, or as a result of the failure of the data or software to function in a particular manner. NERACOOS makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, or utility of this information, nor does the fact of distribution constitute a warranty.